5% DOWN 100% HOME.

The first home loan enables you to purchase your first home with 5% deposit, with Kainga Ora guaranteeing the balance, up to 20%. Getting you into your first home sooner.


In the last 12 months , youhave earned $95k as anindividual or $150kcombined or individual with dependents.

Lenders mortgage insurance fee of0.5% of the loan value. This can beadded to the loan.

Be an ordinarily resident inNZ: Hold current NZresidency, have lived herefor 12 months.


Under the First Home Loan,you have access to thebanks current special rates,the same as someone with20% deposit

Be a first home buyer or bein a similar financial positionto a first home buyer

Banks offer a small cashcontribution for FirstHome Loans to help paysome of the legal costsassociated with buying ahome

Main Criteria

Simpler Free Service

In the last 12 months , you have earned $95k as an individual or $150k combined or individual with dependents


Be an ordinarily resident in NZ: Hold current NZ residency have lived here for 12 months.

Simpler Free Service

Be a first home buyer or be in a similar financial position to a first home buyer

fees, intrest rates and cash back


Lenders mortgage insurance fee of 0.5% of the loan value. This can be added to the loan.


Under the First Home Loan, you have access to the banks current special rates, the same as someone with 20% deposit


Banks offer a small cash contribution for First Home Loans to help pay some of the legal costs associated with buying a home


In addition to the Frist HomeLoan if you have beencontributing to Kiwisaver for atleast 3 years, you may be eligiblefor the First Home Grant whichcould add up to $5k for anexisting home or $10k for a newhome to your deposit. Twopeople can combine their granttoo.

Sebastian Pierce


In addition to the Frist Home Loan, if you have been contributing to Kiwisaver for at least 3 years, you may be eligible for the First Home Grant which could add up to $5k for an existing home or $10k for a new home to your deposit. Two people can combine their grant too.


The process of applying for the First Home loan starts with a chat with one of the Simpler team. We then ask you to complete an online application. From there we assess what you're eligible for and how much you are able to borrow to purchase a home.

Our service is free so book a time to chat with us and see how close you are!

Sebastian Pierce


The process of applying for the First Home loan starts with a chat with one of the Simpler team. We then ask you to complete an online application. From there we assess what you're eligible for and how much you are able to borrow to purchase a home.

Our service is free so book a time to chat with us and see how close you are!