
Our online application process starts with a fact find. It helps us understand your goals and financial position to start framing some simpler financial advice for you.
Once you have completed the online fact find, we will schedule in a time to have a chat - We will run over some high-level numbers, ask and answer any questions and request some supporting documents that we need to submit an application to the bank.
Once we have your supporting documents, we put together a full application, explore all of your options with different banks and lenders and provide you with our recommendation.
Once you have all the information to make an informed decision, we will then apply to your chosen provider with the best application possible to ensure a fast and efficient approval.
If you are purchasing a house, you can look with confidence knowing exactly what you are able to purchase for. We will assist you during this time, providing you with valuations on potential properties, assisting you with your due diligence and answering any questions you may have.If you are refinancing/restructuring, we will get all the documentation ready for you.
Once all the documentation is done and settlement has been completed, we will actively manage your mortgage and review it every 6-12 months to make sure it is still working for you and your goals.